A healthy lawn starts with proper, consistent mowing practices. We offer a range of lawn mowing options to meet your specific needs.
Not only will proper, consistent lawn mowing services leave your lawn with a well manicured, orderly appearance, it also provides several additional benefits. All mowing services include string trimming and blowing clippings off of hardscapes to create a fresh, clean look. We are confident in our ability to help your lawn stand out from the rest.
Early Spring Fertilizer Application (March-May)
Late Spring Fertilizer Application (May – June)
Early Summer Fertilizer Application (June – July)
Late Summer Fertilizer Application (July – September)
Early Fall Fertilizer Application (September – October)
Late Fall Fertilizer Application (October – November)
All lawns need nutrients to survive and thrive. In order to allow your lawn to grow to its fullest potential, it is important to both eliminate weeds and to supplement vital nutrients. We have a range of traditional and organic fertilizers to choose from to meet your lawn’s needs.
Thatch is a layer of dead grass that develops at the base of the grass stems. A thick buildup can prevent essential water and nutrients from reaching the grass roots. De-thatching removes any build-up of thatch to allow grass to thrive.
While some organic matter, such as grass clippings and mulched leaves, can be broken down by natural processes and used for its nutrients, over the course of time, the buildup begins to outpace the breakdown process, causing a layer of thatch buildup.
Our de-thatching process involves using a machine with tines that gently pulls this layer of buildup towards the top of the grass, where it is then collected and hauled off site.
Core aeration is an important practice to provide your lawn with the ultimate care. An aerated lawn will help control thatch, improve soil conditions, enhance root growth, and open airways for water and other vital nutrients to reach the lawn’s root system.
Soil becomes compact for a variety of reasons, including, heavy foot traffic, construction equipment, heavy rains, and poor soil quality. The accumulation of these factors over time prevents soil from assuming the necessary processes needed for grass to flourish.
A compacted soil inevitably leads to turf thinning, injury, and possibly death due to damaged stems, leaves, and crowns. Our lawn core aeration treatment process involves pulling up plugs of soil to relieve soil compaction. Following a core aeration treatment, the plugs of dirt that were removed will naturally break down in the weeks to follow, leaving your lawn better able to resume uptake of water and nutrients needed to thrive.
In order to get your lawn and flower beds off to a fresh start, it is important to clean up any excess leaves or debris that could limit your lawn and garden’s ability to thrive.
Using the most effective equipment and practices, our clean up services provide efficient, quality results. Spring clean ups include leaf pick up and removal from all garden beds, lawn areas, driveways, sidewalks, and window wells.
We also offer the following spring clean up services to ensure your outdoor spaces have the best chances to not only survive, but thrive.
Whether you are planning ahead and hoping to finally improve your outdoor spaces when next season rolls around, or want to protect them after all of the hard work you’ve put in all season long, fall is not the time to let things slide
Avoid the spring time regret that comes with putting off a fall clean up, and let us help prepare your lawn and gardens for the winter months so you can hit the ground running come next spring.
Fall clean ups include removing leaves from all garden beds, lawn areas, driveways, sidewalks, and window wells. We also offer the following fall services to prepare your outdoor spaces for the winter months